
Recent research shows that some of the most popular orthopaedic knee surgeries including meniscectomies have no benefit and are not more effective than placebo or sham surgery. Moreover, knee replacement is extremely traumatic and carries associated risks, and even successful surgeries minimally require months of painful rehab to regain strength and mobility. Most surgeries also accelerate degeneration that leads to osteoarthritis and exacerbate the bio-mechanical problems that initially led to the need for the surgery. Cureisin urges patients suffering from knee injuries or degenerative conditions to consider all of their options.

Cureisin’s approach involves the use of image guidance (flouroscopy and ultrasound) to precisely place high-dose stem cells or platelets from your body directly where they are needed in a specific joint structure. These cells then work in the site of your injury to grow into new, healthy tissue, a process that will only occur if the cells have been placed exactly where they need to go in order to achieve positive outcomes for the patient. This precise approach to orthopaedic care can’t be replicated by a surgeon or nurse in a chiropractor’s office. Interventional Orthopaedics requires thousands of hours of training following a standardised protocol process to become a licensed Cureisin physician.

Cureisin’s innovative procedures restore knee function and mobility and decrease pain without the need for surgery by regenerating damaged tissue. During this outpatient procedure, our expert physicians use precise image guidance to inject custom concentrations of your body’s natural healing agents into the exact areas of damage to tighten and stabilise your knee joint for better function and mobility.

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